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Catilla was born and raised on Glycinea Maxis. As a young girl, Catilla was fascinated with shiny things that made noise. When she was 13, Catilla picked up her first guitar at a pawn shop. She studied for two years at the Royal Music Academy, where she learned classical guitar. It was during her schooling she met Amira, and the two became best friends.


Over the years, Catilla developed a taste for rock music. She played in a few rock bands, but didn't feel like she fit in with the other band members. After leaving the band Gluten Free Kitty Litter in 2014, Catilla was ready to give up on music altogether. She called Amira to see if she wanted to hang out, and that's when her entire perspective changed.


At Amira's practice space, Catilla was introduced to Emilia, the drummer Amira had been jamming with. Catilla broke out her pawn shop guitar and Glittershot was born. Catilla has been Glittershot's guitarist and backup vocalist ever since.  

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